23-24, 2024
23-24, 2024
The intersection of IP rights and how they interplay in benefit of the society
Intellectual property at the crossroads of societal advancement. By examining how IP rights intertwine to serve the broader public interest, we aim to ignite transformative discussions that highlight the positive societal impacts of intellectual property, particularly in Latin America. To explore this further, we are gathering thought leaders and IP experts from the region to share perspectives and shape future strategies. This event will span two days of enriching expert panels, interactive sessions, and ample networking opportunities. Distinguished judges, officials, academics, and entrepreneurs from across Latin America, all at the forefront of this field, will attend the seminar. Simultaneous translation (English and Spanish) will be provided.
The intersection of IP rights and how they interplay in benefit of the society
Intellectual property at the crossroads of societal advancement. By examining how IP rights intertwine to serve the broader public interest, we aim to ignite transformative discussions that highlight the positive societal impacts of intellectual property, particularly in Latin America. To explore this further, we are gathering thought leaders and IP experts from the region to share perspectives and shape future strategies. This event will span two days of enriching expert panels, interactive sessions, and ample networking opportunities. Distinguished judges, officials, academics, and entrepreneurs from across Latin America, all at the forefront of this field, will attend the seminar. Simultaneous translation (English and Spanish) will be provided.
Program & speakers
Andrew Jenner
Director General, Interpat (UK)
Corey Salsberg
Vice President, Global Head IP Affairs, Novartis (USA)
Fernando Portugal
Director of Intellectual Property, Legal and International Affair, AMIIF (MX)
Jon Santamauro
Senior Director, International Government Affairs, AbbVie (USA)
María Vazquez
Dean of Law School, Universidad de San Andres (ARG)
NH Buenos Aires City
Bolivar, 160, C1066AAD | Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Marval, O’Farrel, Mairal Auditorium
Av. Leandro N. Alem 882 – Ciudad Autónoma
de Buenos Aires – CABA